
KYBELLA®: Redefining Your Chin Profile

Kybella - Aspen Prime Medspa


Kybella - Aspen Prime Medspa

Are you tired of that stubborn double chin ruining your profile shots and zapping your confidence? You’re not alone. In fact, a 2015 survey revealed that 67% of people are bothered by the fat beneath their chin, a concern as common as wrinkles around the eyes. But what if you could bid farewell to your double chin without surgery? Meet KYBELLA®—the revolutionary, FDA-approved injectable that melts away submental fullness for a sleek, defined chin profile. Imagine looking in the mirror and loving the reflection that greets you. Dive in to discover how KYBELLA® can transform not just your chin, but your entire outlook on life.

What is Submental Fullness?

First let’s address the elephant in the room, and it’s not you but it is what we commonly refer to as “double chin.” Even though frankly it would be easier on my mental health if we go back to the mental term “submental fullness”.

So what the heck is this, you ask? Basically the presence of excess fat beneath the chin. And it is not gender specific – so both men and women can be affected by this bad boy and various factors influence the presence of this “double-chin” such as:

● Weight Gain: Increased body weight can lead to fat accumulation under the chin.
● Genetics: Family history can predispose individuals to submental fullness.
● Aging: Natural aging processes can cause skin laxity and fat deposition in this area.
● Weak glandular muscles and improper bite and jaw structure.

So like I said you don’t have to be overweight to have fullness under your chin, and sometimes, no amount of diet or exercise can reduce it. I know that sucks to here but keep reading, you’ll get more optimistic.

Are You Bothered by Submental Fullness or Double Chin

Ok, so we’ve established that you’re affected by this excess fat under your chin and nothing is working to get rid of it. Yet….

According to a 2015 survey by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), 67% of people reported being bothered by the fat beneath their chin. This concern is as big as the worry about lines and wrinkles around the eyes.

KYBELLA®: A Nonsurgical Solution

Like I said, nothing is working yet but that’s because you haven’t seen what KYBELLA® can do for you.

It’s the nonsurgical way to reduce submental fullness i.e Double Chin Syndrome, the hero you’ve been seeking for.

Why is KYBELLA® the answer. KYBELLA® (deoxycholic acid) is the first injectable treatment approved by the FDA to destroy fat cells under the chin, improving your chin profile.

To the Results – Clinical Results and Patient Stories

Let’s get techy here because if you don’t believe me maybe you want to see the facts and figures and do the math for yourself.

Visible Results in Clinical Trials

● Improvement: In clinical trials, 68.2% of patients treated with KYBELLA® had noticeable improvement, compared to 20.5% of patients given a placebo.
● Significant Improvement: 16% of KYBELLA® patients experienced a significant improvement, versus 2% with placebo.
● Satisfaction: 79% of KYBELLA® patients reported improved satisfaction with their appearance 12 weeks post-treatment, compared to 33.6% of placebo patients.

Straight from the Horse’s Mouth: Yep, Real Patient Stories

● Jason, 36: “I inherited my double chin from my family. I was so frustrated because it felt out of my control.”
● Adra, 36: “I used to be a little heavier and my double chin was really obvious. But even after I lost the weight, it was still there.”
● Nikki, 35: “I’m used to getting aesthetic treatments, but I’m not willing to go under the knife. So KYBELLA® was the right choice for me.”
● David, 54: “The fact that KYBELLA® is an injectable treatment was a big plus, and I liked that treatment was tailored to me by my doctor.”

What a KYBELLA® Treatment look like

● Treatment Plan: Multiple injections under the chin per session, up to 6 treatments spaced at least 1 month apart.
● Efficacy: 59% of patients received all 6 treatments in clinical studies. Visible results are often seen in 2-4 treatments.

More Maths & Statistics from Clinical Trials

Ok, now I don’t want to give you a headache with all this math and statistics but you need to look at the Combined Physician and Patient Ratings (12 weeks post-treatment):

Improvement After Each Treatment:

Is KYBELLA® Right for You?

Now the big question after investing all this time reading this thing, is KYBELLA® even for you? Well it’s suitable for adults looking to improve moderate to severe fat under the chin. Sounds like you? Then it’s a viable option if you seek a non-invasive procedure to enhance your profile.

Now to the Important Safety Information

It wouldn’t be ethical for me to just end things here so before receiving KYBELLA®, disclose your medical history to your healthcare provider or us at your Medspa.

Keep in mind, although rare potential side effects include nerve injury in the jaw, trouble swallowing, and injection side problems. The most common side effects are swelling, pain, numbness, and redness at the treatment area.

Learn More and Get Started

Ok so if you stil need more info, come into us for consult.

We have registered aesthetic esthetician nurses in-house. You can also visit MyKybella.com for more information and to view full prescribing details for yourself.

Stay fabulous,

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